You love cosmetics! They enhance your natural beauty, hide blemishes and flaws, and boost your confidence. What you don’t like is the exhausting routine and cash drain. Don’t you wish you could just roll out of bed and start your day without all the hassle but still look like you spent hours primping and pampering?
That’s what permanent cosmetics can do for you. But beware: Where you choose to get your permanent makeup done and who you let do it are critical. After all, you’re essentially getting a tattoo on a very visible area of your body, so you want to be sure it’s done safely, professionally, and artistically by someone with impeccable credentials.
That’s why so many people throughout the San Francisco Bay Area trust the team at Aesthetic Surgery Center to take their makeup game to the next level. And if you’ve vowed to simplify your routine, save money, and look and feel better than ever in 2021, opting for permanent cosmetics can help get you to that goal. Here’s how.
Drastically cut your makeup routine time
How many hours do you spend in front of the mirror each day applying makeup? Have you ever added up the time? Your cosmetic routine takes a huge chunk out of your morning, has you retouching all day, and reapplying when you go out at night. And that doesn’t even count the time you spend taking it all off before your head hits the pillow.
Permanent makeup frees you from this routine and gives you your life back. Whether you choose cosmetic tattooing to fill in your brows, line your eyes, or tint your lips, the time you save doing these yourself can free you up to relax with a cup of coffee, workout before work, take your dog on a walk, or play with your kids.
Save enough money to buy a house
You read that right. According to one study, if you’re like most women in California, you spend an average of $9.50 on your daily cosmetics. Over a lifetime, that adds up to about $300,000! Another shocking statistic revealed in that study: Women use about 16 different products on their face each day.
While the cost of permanent cosmetics is definitely more than a bottle of foundation, if you do the math, you realize that in no time, you break even and soon may be ahead in the game.
Look fabulous with little to no effort
When you opt for permanent cosmetics, you have the choice to walk out the door without a drop of makeup and still look amazing. Of course, if you’re going for a more dramatic effect, you’re free to enhance your permanent makeup with added special touches that can take you from beautiful to gorgeous with just a few strokes.
The best part is that when you look good, you feel good, leading to a more positive outlook on life. When you feel good about your looks and your life, your overall health benefits as well; you tend to rely less on high-calorie comfort foods and slough off stress more easily, which is good for your waistline, your heart, and your happiness.
If you want to start the new year looking and feeling your best with a new face and a new perspective, contact us today to get started. Call 415-956-3223 or request an appointment online today, and face 2021 with a new look.