Tips to Avoid Bruising

  • Do not take aspirin or aspirin-containing products (i.e., Advil, Motrin, Aleve, and generic ibuprofen), or omega-3 fatty acid supplements for 2 weeks prior to your injectable procedure.
  • Please avoid Vitamin E 2 weeks prior, especially in high doses. Read your existing supplement labels. Often, 100 IU of Vitamin E is contained in various green supplements. It increases bruising risk.
  • We recommend you take Arnica to support the healing process beginning 3 days preceding and continuing a few days following your procedure. Arnica is available for purchase at our office.
  • Apply ice the first 12-36 hours to help relieve any swelling and bruising.

Bring Along Post-Treatment Makeup

Dr. Macdonald cleans the injection site prior to treatment and applies a topical numbing ointment to minimize any minor discomfort.

To prepare your face for greeting the public immediately following your injectable treatment, you may want to bring along some light, preferably powder cosmetics (i.e., powder cover-up or ColorScience® light powder sunscreen).

A dusting of light makeup can camouflage any temporary discoloration (injection marks or redness) that may occur immediately following your procedure.

Bruising is a common side effect, particularly in treating the hollows and dark circles under the eyes. Be sure to plan for the likelihood of bruising and thus book a light work and social calendar post-injection.