Are you feeling the emergence of a “double chin” or neck “waddle”? Do you feel self-conscious about the years it adds to your appearance? Would you like to see the return of your defined jawline that framed your face in your youth?

Then you are definitely a good candidate for one or a combination of these two minimally invasive neck contouring procedures. The results are immensely gratifying as you see by the before and after photos.

Submentoplasty or Neck Liposuction Redefines Chin

Neck liposuction erases the “double chin” of advancing age and restores the youthful definition of your jawline. Submentoplasty eliminates prominent neck muscle bands and fatty tissue under the chin. Both of these procedures also result in tightening of any loose skin in the neck and a nice improvement in neck contour.

Read more specifics about how to prepare for your submentoplasty surgery. Get the facts necessary to appropriately manage your expectations.

Chin and Neck Contouring Details

Neck liposuction surgery involves:

  • A tiny incision behind each ear and a third tiny incision hidden in a natural crease under the chin.
  • Any excess fatty tissue is suctioned away, with a secondary benefit of skin tightening following the procedure. The neck contour is doubly improved.
  • Incisions are usually left open to allow for any drainage that may occur. Since they are so small, they heal inconspicuously to a small point.
  • A compression chin strap is worn for 5-7 days post-op to help hold the reconstructed tissue in position and minimize post-op swelling and bruising.

Submentoplasty surgery involves:

  • A small incision adjacent to the natural crease under your chin, similar to that used with chin augmentation.
  • The skin of the region under the chin is elevated so that any excessive fatty tissue can be removed from this area.
  • Any prominent muscle bands under the chin are repositioned to their more youthful midline location.
  • Incisions are closed in layers with dissolvable sutures.
  • A velcro compression chin strap bandage is worn for 5-7 days post-op. It helps hold the reconstructed tissue flaps in position and minimizes any post-op swelling and bruising.

Healing after cosmetic surgery for neck liposuction or submentoplasty requires a bit of downtime afterward. Get the post-op details you need to rest and heal.


Have you been fighting “saddle bags” or “love handles” for most of your life? Are you frustrated because your daily regimen of a healthy diet and consistent exercise has not successfully eliminated your “trouble spots” of unwanted fat?

Does it knock your confidence or make you feel less fit than you really are… even though you’ve been at a stable, healthy weight for years? You’re not alone.

Such stubborn, unappealing pockets of fat generally worsen in your 30’s to 40’s as your metabolism begins to slow. If you are a mother, this is also about the time you realize the ultimate imprint childbirth has left on your body—even when you have lost all your pregnancy weight.

If these problems sound familiar, you may be a good candidate for liposuction, also known as liposculpture or body contouring. See patient before and after photos for a sample of Dr. Macdonald’s satisfying patient results.

Body Liposuction Slims and Sculpts Curves

Some fatty tissue beneath the skin helps define the natural curves of each unique physique. Excessive fatty tissue, however, is often considered undesirable. Sometimes this fatty tissue becomes excessive in localized deposits. There may be a genetic predisposition that runs in the family.

Body liposuction can be used anywhere you may need it to remove unwanted, isolated fat deposits that have been resistant to responses from a good diet and regular exercise. Liposuction is not an effective plan for substantial weight loss.

Yet, it can be a very effective and gratifying step in overall body shaping and conditioning. It is truly most effective, with the most satisfying results, when used as a sculpting tool rather than a weight loss program.
Body areas most popular for liposuction or liposculpture treatment are:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks or “love handles”
  • Outer thighs or “saddle bags”
  • Inner thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Upper Arms
  • Upper back (bra strap area)
  • Anterior axilla (armpit area)
  • Male chest area (gynecomastia)

Once your fat is removed with liposuction, it doesn’t come back. Your body creates new fat cells only in infancy and puberty. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

If you do gain weight in the years following your liposuction surgery, fat tends to be spread out diffusely. In other words, you gain weight all over, rather than in discrete recurring areas as you did prior to your surgery.

In addition to body liposuction, the face and neck are also common treatment areas. With the effects of age and gravity, facial fatty tissue volume begins to droop and deposit in the jowls, chin, and neck areas.

Thus, neck and submental liposuction techniques are often complements to chin augmentation surgery and also used in about 50% of all facelift surgeries.

What Should I Do Before Liposuction Surgery?

Most importantly, remember that liposuction subtly refines your bodily shape. It does not target weight loss. Results of liposuction are most satisfying when you have maintained a steady body weight for at least 6-12 months, allowing your “problem spots” to become evident.

This also ensures that your current diet and exercise routine is able to sustain this steady-state weight. Exercising the patience to get to this point makes your ultimate liposuction results that much more gratifying and long-lasting.

Get more guidance on specific actions you should take before liposuction surgery. Consult the surgical recovery chart to plan well for the peaceful, healing downtime you need post-op.

Body Liposuction Surgery Details

Results and methods used for each liposuction case depend on the amount of fat to be removed, the elasticity and resilience of your skin, and the quality of your underlying muscle tone.

  • You assist Dr. Macdonald in planning and marking out the targeted fat removal areas prior to surgery.
  • To minimize any scarring, a tiny ¼ inch circular incision is made so that a narrow suction tube may be passed beneath the skin to remove the fat.
  • Dr. Macdonald uses a tumescent solution to provide desired tissue tension, anesthesia, and vasoconstriction (to minimize bruising).
  • He also uses VASER® or Sciton ProLipo PLUS™ when indicated and/or requested, to assist with fat dissolution prior to removal.
  • He carefully removes enough fat to achieve the desired sculpted result, while leaving enough fat cells in place for optimal, natural-looking, smooth body contour.
  • The circular entry points are left unclosed so that they can act as drainage sites for any tumescent fluid still retained post-op.

Healing and Final Results After Body Liposuction

Healing details to expect:

  • After surgery, Dr. Macdonald places dressings on each tiny incision, followed by Reston foam and compression garments that are custom fitted at your pre-op. This provides evenly distributed pressure to the treated areas for proper healing.
  • Post-surgical pain and discomfort are minimal.
  • Swelling and bruising is normal within the first 3-7 days post-op.
  • Sutures are rarely used to close your incisions. Any sutures used dissolve within several days.
  • The circular shape of the incision heals to a point rather than a line so that any residual scar is barely noticeable.
  • Keep antibiotic ointment and a bandage over your incisions for the first several days post-op, until the wounds are closed.
  • You can expect to resume work and other non-strenuous daily activities within 3-5 days.
  • For 2-3 months post-op, you may experience tingling or numbness in various spots throughout the treated area. This gradually subsides as you heal over the next 6 months or so.

After liposuction surgery, download the specific Liposuction Post-Surgery Instruction Sheet. Remember to be conservative about resuming high-intensity physical activities. Follow the 2-4-6 rule to avoid complications or in any way jeopardizing your final liposuction results.

To be highly satisfied with your liposuction surgery results, it’s important to be committed to an ongoing healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and regular exercise. This helps you maintain a steady weight. In turn, the benefits of your newly sculpted svelte shape remain permanently.