Suction-assisted lipectomy (liposuction) for removing lower belly fat and "saddle bags" that developed after an elongated sedentary period due to hip replacement surgery.
A more substantial abdominal liposuction case, to smooth a “pooching” belly.
Liposuction of the lateral (outer) thighs removes unwanted “saddle bags”, a common “trouble spot” for women.
Liposuction on "love handles" (flanks) and abdomen.
Correction of gynecomastia eliminates undesired fatty tissue in the male chest area.
Conservative liposculpting of abdominal area along with flanks (obliques and lower back areas) smooths a male patient's mid-section, enhancing his overall physique for improved appearance both in and out of clothes..
Subtle abdominal and flanks liposculpture eliminates "love handles" and the lower belly "pooch" that often develops in women post-childbearing or post-menopause.
Suction-assisted lipectomy (liposuction) of both the inner and outer thighs eliminates inner thigh chaffing and gives her an appearance of long, lean legs.