Turbinate reduction/coblation
Nasal turbinates are structures inside the sinuses made of bone and soft tissues. The regulate airflow through the nose, and warm and humidify the air you breathe in before it goes to your lungs. These structures are enlarged and swollen (hypertrophic) in many patients. This can be due to genetics, chronic environmental irritants, allergies, hormones, or certain medications. Nasal turbinate hypertrophy can cause breathing impairment, headache, and nasal stuffiness which is difficult to control with medication.
We offer nasal turbinate coblation for a permanent solution to these concerns. Turbinate coblation uses a long, thin device to provide quick radiofrequency energy to the swollen turbinates. This energy causes the turbinate to shrink, allowing for more space to breathe through the sinuses. This procedure can be performed comfortably under local anesthesia in our office, or combined with another cosmetic or functional surgery for the nose.
Latera for nasal valve collapse
Our nasal airway is a series of passages with allow air to begin its journey to the lungs. If any one of these passages is restricted, our nasal airflow is reduced, and quality of life can be impacted. In the entrance to the nose, the lateral or side nasal wall is made up of a system of cartilages. If these are too flexible or weak, they can collapse on inhalation, restricting inward breathing. Latera is a tiny, absorbable nasal implant which reinforces this cartilage, opening the nasal valve and helping to prevent nasal valve collapse. Our patients have told us that their Latera procedures provided them with easier breathing, increased performance during exercise, and decreased snoring at night. Latera does not change the shape or look of the nose. It can be placed during a quick, comfortable procedure in our office, or combined with your rhinoplasty surgery to enhance your everyday breathing.
The bone and cartilage that separates the inside of the nasal cavity is called the septum. Ideally, the nasal passages have equal space on the left and the right, and this bone is directly in the center. However, it is very common for the septum to deviate to one side. A deviated septum can cause nosebleeds, increased snoring, headache, post-nasal drip, sinus infections, and persistent stuffiness on one side of the nose. Septal deviation is also visible as a “crooked nose” in some cases. During septoplasty surgery, this bone is straightened, allowing for better airflow and nasal function. This surgery can be performed under twilight sedation or general anesthesia and can be combined with any cosmetic or functional procedure for the nose.
Runny nose/Clarifix
Chronic rhinitis is frequent inflammation of the nose with symptoms such as a runny nose, nasal congestion and post-nasal drip (mucus in the throat).
While the exact causes are unknown, out-of-balance nasal nerves play a contributing factor. The nerves in your nose transmit signals to your brain regulating all sorts of functions. When these nerves become hyperactive or out of balance, they send more signals than are necessary for the nose to perform its normal jobs, such as protecting the body from infectious agents. This can cause your nose to respond like it’s fighting an illness. The nasal linings will become inflamed (congestion) and mucus production will increase (runny nose), causing these annoying symptoms – even when you aren’t sick.
Using a minimally-invasive treatment called ‘cryotherapy’, the ClariFix device interrupts the signals from the overactive nerves to reduce the symptoms of runny, stuffy nose. When the cold temperature hits the out-of-balance nerves, the signals are temporarily interrupted. The nerves are no longer telling the nose to drip, run and swell.